What are Xanax (Alprazolam) bars? Complete Overview Guide

Do regular Xanax tablets no longer affect you? Have you also heard Xanax bars are more effective than usual tablets? Well, you may be correct, but there are a few things which you must know before.

Xanax bars are heavier-dose tablets of Xanax medicine. An average Xanax bar contains around 2 mg of Alprazolam. There are different Xanax bars, like white, yellow, green, and blue, with other specifications. We will look into all these types of Xanax bars and how to use them safely below. 

This blogpost will provide you with every single information you need to know about Xanax bars. Remember, these are heavy doses and can have hazardous side effects. Please continue reading to learn more about Xanax bars, their types, and usage.

Types Of Xanax Bars 

There are various types of Xanax bars being used in the market. These are of different colors and dosages. Let’s check out some of the most common Xanax bars being used in the market.

White Xanax Bars

White Xanax bars are the most used type of bars. The size of this bar is 2 Mg. It can often be seen in commercials and advertisements for this medicine.

Purple Xanax Bars

These are also similar to white bars with 2 Mg dosage. Pfizer produces Purple Xanax bars. These are also some of the most exposed types of Xanax for drug abuse.

Yellow Xanax Bars

Yellow Xanax bars are also similar to standard white bars. These are also 2mg tablets. The manufacturer of these tablets is Actavis Pharma. These are sometimes called “School buses” due to their color.

Blue Xanax Bars

Blue bars are another type of Xanax bar. Breckenridge Pharmaceutical manufactures this type. It is usually manufactured in 1 mg, but some other variants of these bars exist.

Peach Xanax Bars

This type of Xanax bar is the lightest dose of Xanax. Its usual dosage is 0.5 Mg, but there are some variants of peach Xanax bars that are manufactured with a higher dosage. These bars are usually elliptical and oval.

Pink Xanax Bars

Pink bars are the 3 Mg tablets of Xanax. It is a high potency dose compared to other bars and, hence, very sensitive. Take pink Xanax bars only under the supervision of medical staff.

Red Xanax Bars

Xanax bars are not manufactured in red color. The red Xanax bars which are available in the market are fake. These are often available with R666 written on them. Avoid them because they are useless.

Green Xanax Bars

Another type of Xanax bar is green. It is one of the strongest bars with 3 Mg concentration. Heavy doses are effective for people whose light dose of Xanax no longer affects them, but they are the most exposed to abuse. Be very careful with the use of these tables.

Risks Of Taking Xanax Bars

Xanax can be an aid in calming or may be sleeping, but it can cause some severe health problems for you. Your body may get addicted to it and build tolerance. Eventually, you will need to increase the dose of your medicine or get other drugs with these bars. Let’s check out some of the potential side effects associated with Xanax bars.

  • Confusion
  • Difficulty in concentrations
  • Poor balance
  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Weak muscles
  • Speech problems
  • Less mental alertness
  • Vision problem
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach issues
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling Light-headed
  • Dizziness
  • Weak memory

Xanax Bars Addiction

Xanax bars are very addictive. It is because most of these are high-dose bars, and when you start taking high doses, your body adapts accordingly. It builds tolerance, and then our body needs more and more doses to get satisfaction. It is one of the most abused drugs on the market. Some of the common symptoms of Xanax bar addiction are;

  • Inability to quit
  • Increased tolerance
  • Physical dependence
  • Psychological dependence
  • Increased usage
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Loss of interest
  • Financial problems
  • Legal issues
  • Cravings
  • Social isolation
  • Mood changes

Safety Tips For Xanax Bars Usage

Although Xanax bars are very effective in treating depression, anxiety, and sleep problems, you must be very careful with their use. This is because Alprazolam is a sensitive drug, and its overuse can cause serious health issues. Here are some safety tips before you take Xanax bars.

Use Only Upon Prescription

Xanax bars are addictive and can build tolerance. Use them only if they are prescribed to you by a doctor. It directly affects benzodiazepines in our brains and can be very problematic if it is misused. Avoid them if your friend has recommended them for better sleep because these are very unsafe.

Missed Or Overdose

If you are using Xanax bars, use them as recommended by the doctor. Take a missed dose if you remember quickly, but if you place a couple of hours late, forget about it and continue with your regular dose. Its overdose can be risky and even cause stroke or heart attack.

Using The Right Colour Bar

If the doctor has recommended any specific bar, use the prescribed color bar. Using Xanax in any other form might not be effective for you. Wrong medicine can even negatively affect your condition.

Final Words

Wrapping it up, Xanax bars are high-potency doses of Alprazolam suitable for different patients according to their condition. Don’t use Xanax bars unless recommended by any health care professional. They can have severe impacts on your health.

You may get addicted to Xanax bars upon excessive usage or using them for a long time. Its dependence can cause withdrawal symptoms. So, if you use them for a long time, consult your doctor before leaving them.
