What Your Poop Says About Your Health?

People often don’t think about their poop, but it can tell a lot about their digestive health and general health. Knowing what your poop says about you can help you figure out if you have any health problems, nutritional deficiencies, or lifestyle choices that are affecting your gut. Let’s take a look into what your poop says about your health.

What Does The Way Your Poop Feels Tell You?

How well your digestive system is working can be told by the consistency of your poop. Stools should be soft, well-formed, and easy to go. If your stools are hard and lumpy, you might have constipation. If your stools are loose and watery, you might have diarrhea.

What Does The Color Of Your Poop Say About Your Health?

There is a lot you can learn about your gut health from the color of your poop. There will always be differences, but some colors may mean there are bigger problems going on. If you have black, tarry stools, it could mean that your digestive system is bleeding. On the other hand, pale stools could mean that your liver or bile production isn’t working right.

What Can You Learn From The Smell Of Your Poop?

The bacteria in your gut and the foods you eat can change the smell of your poop. Stools that smell bad could mean that you aren’t absorbing nutrients properly, have too many bacteria, or have another digestive problem.

How Often Should You Go To The Bathroom, And What Does That Mean?

Different people have different amounts of bowel movements at different times. Some people go to the bathroom several times a day, while others may only do it every few days. If your frequency changes a lot, like if you suddenly start having diarrhea or constipation, you may need to see a doctor.

What Does The Shape And Size Of Your Poop Tell You?

How long it takes you to go and the size and shape of your poop can tell you a lot about your digestive system. Your stools should be round and easy to go if your gut is healthy. They should look like a smooth snake or sausage. Changes in your size or shape could mean you need to see a doctor because you aren’t going to the bathroom enough or your intestines are clogged.

Having Blood Or Mucus In Your Poop Means Something.

If you’ve got blood or mucus on your poop, it could be scary. This may want to mean which you have bigger digestive troubles. There may be bleeding higher up inside the digestive tract if the stools are darkish and tarry and the blood is vivid purple.

When Should You Go To The Doctor Because Of Your Poop?

If your bowel habits or the way your poop looks or feels change over time, pay attention. It’s normal for things to change now and then, but big or long-lasting changes may mean that you need to see a doctor. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about any worries or symptoms so that you can get the right diagnosis and treatment.


You can learn a lot about your gut health and health in general from the way you poop. Listen to your gut’s texture, color, smell, frequency, size, shape, and whether it has blood or mucus to find out more about its health and fix any problems before they happen. Remember that being honest with your doctor is important for keeping your digestive system working well and staying healthy in general. Now hopefully you got the answer of what your poop says about your health.
